Friday, October 23, 2009


Seeing lights lining darkened streets on rainy nights

Gives rise to expectations

Whose roots are lost in long ago homecomings.

Memories are blurred

As windshields swept by rain

Still stir the heart

With a childlike hope

That we will soon be there.



There is still the scent of Aster

Clinging softly to my fingers,

Recalling to my mind, the morning walk

That brought me home

With flowers in my hand.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stepping out into the big wide world

This week marked an important step.  Gerry submitted "Tis in the Blood" for consideration to Poetry Magazine.  We are hopeful that they will see it as essential to publish.  Some response should be back about mid-December.   Isn't that cool!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tis in the Blood

Tis  in the blood, you know,

Seamen they were, long ago,

And built the ships that bore the sails,

Sent them down the ways

And when they tied them by the rope,

Around the capstan  went they  many times,

To hold that hull……

Around I pull, with muscle fed by DNA

(Tis in the blood they say)

And  pulling, stretch the  hose,

The bloody  hose laid out in sun

And left  to catch  a heel among the leaves;

Oh, must reel it in, not mind the wind,

Heave ho, it comes around again,

And laugh I, thinking of those men

Who worked on ships, and I on land.

Tis in the blood you understand.

GBP  10/17/07     (inspiration in a garden hose)