Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lemon Meringue

Lemon Meringue
               Awakens a memory as bright
                   as yellow and white
walls, and flowers, and 

flowers on the dresses  

that I wore when I was young.

Delicious is  only a word, until  

it bursts from an oven
And comes to rest in remembrance

On my tongue.
                                 GBP    612/ll

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Teacher

The sun, just above the  horizon,
Leaves only a pale yellow wash in the evening sky.
An airplane makes a sound that fades away.
I think it is a holy night, that if
I dared, I'd stay to see the darkened sky
Lit with stars, and constellations hidden by the sun in day,
And listen, look and seek the answer
to the sometimes silence of my planet earth.
The dog in the yard below speaks up.
The frogs stop.  A pause. A solitary bark.
The cat has gone to seek out the secrets of the shadows.
And I, lonely for my teacher who no longer shares with me each day,
Feel  his presence, his joy in living, and put my fears away.


Saturday, January 8, 2011


Where had this warm day been wandering 

Under a sky of blue resembling May or June?
The sun moves past the chimney
And shines through the leafless trees.
The deck chair beckons, and a small bird
sings repeatedly in the Pine.
My busy cat returns, inquiringly seeming to say
"Are you just going to sit here?"
What to answer?
There is no other way except by pen and paper
To save this day.
GBP  20ll