Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Answer Lady

Gomma has been sharing her memories of growing up and of her family and so on with us for years.  Just recently she was musing about how many things were so vastly different in years past.  She was moved to write about them but wasn't sure where to start.   I suggested to her that she offer to be "The Answer Lady" for family members who had questions about the 'old days'.   And that she could write her answers and post them here on the blog for people to read.   She liked that and asked me to put up this notice.  

This is not to say, of course, that we won't be treated to more of her verse and stories

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Where had this warm day been wandering?
Above, in a sky of blue resembling May or June
The sun moves past the chimney and
Shines through the leafless trees.
The deck chair beckons, and a small bird
Sings repeatedly in the pine.
My busy cat returns, inquiringlyg seeming to say
"Are you just going to sit there?"
What to answer?
There is no other way except by pen and paper
To save this day.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Notes on a Napkin at the Bakery.

Near 7:00 AM
The universe is out beyond the whirling world
despite the fact we think it here.
Yet this table was once the center of my earth.
Eating an egg-and-bacon bolo breakfast
illustrates the possible origin of the phrase:
"egg on your face".
Every day's miracle:  God is here,
but He hasn't ordered yet.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

After much too long an hiatus....She's back!

"Little Miss Muffet  sat on a tuffet,
eating her curds and whey
Along came the spiders, who wrapped up Miss Muffet
And carried her far away.
This could only happen in Oregon in August of 2010.
Please do not read this to little children.
Aunt Maureen when she was much younger, was mortified by Rudyard Kipling (!) when she read "How the Elephant got his trunk"....
She has travelled light ever since--bad pun--just to keep this all in the family......children have tender hearts, or at least they used to before they had games and I pods and movies, and who knows what all electronic devices to demonstrate--oh, I fear to imagine.
Love to all--back to the garden and the house.  Company is coming!!!!!!!!!!!yikes."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Lament of Prisoner 015210

(Editor's aside--this integration of disparate things is so typical of Mom's ability to put
two and two together and get seven.  Great creativity.)
Incarcerated at my desk,
Barred from freedom
By facts and figures in
Black and white,
Sentenced to a task imposed by Law,
I struggled.
Removed from  the dungeon
For a short reprieve
I was near blinded
By the sunlight
I was longing for.
One last glance was granted.
Graced with hope,
The tree tall beyond the fence
Blossomed White with promise--
Cherries in the future, when
The punishment was done.
GBP 3/24/10


All are at peace.
They sleep.
They neither mourn nor weep
Nor vigil keep.
If they should dream
May it be sweet.
The song repeat .
Sleep, baby, sleep.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another Dimension

The shadows
Wakened by the morning sun
Have thrown off the blanket of the night.
Stretching, they reach out across the lawn
Touching for just awhile
The far fence, the dormant shrubs
Whose hidden blossoms wait for Spring.

Again tonight the moon may pass,
And let them stretch out on the grass
So quietly that none will see
But owls and crows, and maybe

January 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January Afternoon

The raggedy tree,
Old Doug Fir,
Standing high above the land
Flings its boughs about
Holding on to earth below it,
Roots spread out with only
surface depth for tenuous purchase,
Is showing us the  history of the winds,
Written by the bare patches
On the long straight pole.
It towers over all the woods about it
And marks the road, and reads the moving air
As those who live below mark the rain,
And wonder when this storm will pass
And spring will come again.

GBP 1/13/10