Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Answer Lady

Gomma has been sharing her memories of growing up and of her family and so on with us for years.  Just recently she was musing about how many things were so vastly different in years past.  She was moved to write about them but wasn't sure where to start.   I suggested to her that she offer to be "The Answer Lady" for family members who had questions about the 'old days'.   And that she could write her answers and post them here on the blog for people to read.   She liked that and asked me to put up this notice.  

This is not to say, of course, that we won't be treated to more of her verse and stories


  1. hi Aunt Gerry*
    You are in my thoughts and prayers every morning and now I get to see you and read about you everyday, too!
    Lucky me!

    Fun is on the wire!
    ThanX within the choir :)
    "Let us rejoice & be glad"

    (((HUNDRED HUGS)))
    x-x-x-x-x your teri

  2. This is a wonderful idea! Although the poetry alone is an excellent treat. I would love to hear from the answer lady (or ladya) about childhood memories of Thanksgiving.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Who is LOUISE? The woman in the photo below?
